Neil is the recipient of a Schmidt Science Polymath Award. The $2.5 million award, given only to 6 professors annually, is meant to empower intensely creative, early-to-mid-career researchers to take adventurous leaps into new research domains, experiment with new methodologies and ideas, and inspire impactful scientific breakthroughs. We are deeply grateful to the Schmidt Sciences Continue Reading »
Category: Uncategorized
Manoj wins Outstanding Postdoctoral Fellow Award
Manoj Jangid was selected to receive the Outstanding Postdoctoral Fellow Award, which recognizes postdoctoral fellows at the University of Michigan who have demonstrated a breadth of excellence in all areas of research, teaching, mentoring, service, and leadership. Congrats Manoj!
Welcome to Aaron Melemed!
Dr. Aaron Melemed joined the group as a postdoc. Aaron completed his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at MIT in 2024, and will be working on “beyond Li-ion” batteries.
Clare wins Best Student Presentation Award at the PVSC conference
Ph.D. candidate Clare Lanaghan won the Best Student Presentation Award in the area of Perovskite Solar Cells at the 52nd IEEE Photovoltaics Specialist Conference (PVSC52) in Seattle, WA! Clare’s presentation was entitled “Process-Structure Relationships in Laminated Perovskite Solar Cells”. Congrats Clare!
Welcome to Govind Kumar Mishra!
Dr. Govind Kumar Mishra joined the group as a postdoc. Govind completed his Ph.D. in Energy Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay in 2023, and will be working on solid-state batteries.
Daniel P. and Neil receive Robert M. Caddell Memorial Award for Research
This annual award is granted to a Faculty/Grad Student team that have jointly made significant contributions to research in materials and/or manufacturing. The award was granted for our work on spatial atomic layer deposition, as reported in our recent [publication].
NSF Future Manufacturing Grant awarded
We were recently awarded a $3 Million grant from the National Science Foundation entitled “Manufacturing of Next-Generation Perovskite Semiconductors at Scale”. This collaborative project includes Profs. Chinedum Okwudire, David Fenning, Wei Lu, Raed Al Kontar, Julie Hui, and Sarah Crane as collaborators. [news article]
Welcome to Md Aslam Uddin!
Dr. Md Aslam Uddin joined the group as postdoc. Welcome!
Julia Lenef awarded a NREL Director’s Postdoctoral Fellowship
Our recent Ph.D. alum Dr. Julia Lenef was awarded a prestigious Director’s Postdoctoral Fellowship from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) to pursue her postdoctoral research. Congrats Julia!
Clare selected to participate in JUAMI program
Ph.D. Candidate Clare Lanaghan was selected to participate in The Joint Undertaking for an African Materials Institute (JUAMI). JUAMI is a NSF-funded program hosted in Nairobi, Kenya in 2023 bringing together students from across the world to learn about cutting-edge energy materials topics, participate in hands-on experiments and learning activities, and attend research seminars by Continue Reading »